Monday, March 8, 2010

“T to the A to the S-T-E -Y Girl, you’re tasty.” Thanks, Fergie and, a whole generation of kids will now misspell “tasty

Ok so its been FOREVER since Ive written. Busy as always. Im about to get off from work and I just thought Id all a lil somethin somethin. Ive been taking this Child Psychology class at school this semester, and since I work with kids Ive been paying a little more attention to them lately. Well that class may be about right for little kids, but who studies the teenager? (In that ever monotone, all too familiar Documentary voice)The modern teenager in it's natural habitat should not be approached too rapidly or with any sign of adult activity or responsibility....
These kids and their youtube videos and their non spelling selves. Seriously, grammar is dying a slow and painfully torturous death. When I read some of their notes or their facebook posts or myspace updates its depressing. For example:
jSt ChilliN At dA CRib!tiNkiN bOUt WAt tO dO MANANA!lOlZ
W.T.F. See also:
Hmmm, good dayy. Hopeee tomorrow goes well!:) New pictures, text ittt?
Mood: Goodddd:) Goodddd:)
oooookkkkkkk lllliiiikkkeeee iiisss eeevvveerrryyyooonnneee hiiiiggghhh? -.-
See Also:
ii love mha babesz patricia, carlos and adam dhey mean dha world to me nw dhere goes mha family.iim going to stay one deep bby.

Ok so you get the picture. Seriously, who came up with this?! and who went along with it?! Seems to me like kids are getting dumber. Theres still hope for the little ones....but then again I was reminded by a friend of mine of a scary thought. The kids that I see running around all day, THEIR PARENTS ARE MY GENERATION! Oh Lord, send help. And I keep telling myself, since the husband and I have been talking about our "future", I will read to my kid WHILE IN THE WOMB to prevent the stupification of the world. No, stupification is not a word, but at least it has more than one syllable and is spelled correctly.

To add to this ridiculousness, the famous people are doing it too! And I can be pretty sure that none of you have noticed.....
If I lay here / If I just lay here / Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
LAY is for objects! People LIE down.

When you cheated girl, my heart bleeded girl.
Justin, just because you're one sexy mofo doesn't mean the English language will change just for you. You could not have bleeded. Its bled Justin, bled.

Can you handle me the way I are?
Well, I.R. Baboon, no I can't.

Seriously people, grammar saves lives. Case in point:
Let's eat Grandpa!
Let's eat, Grandpa!

On another note. I skipped school today. Oh, the irony. I stayed in the warm bed safe from the pouring rain, snuggling up to my husband who never seems to be cold. Ever. It was pretty nice to have a day off. Ok, half a day, but still. We got up around noon and he decided to make me lunch. : ) gotta love him. Cant wait to get a house with him so he can cook for me all the time! muahahhahahahaha! By the time I ate and cleaned up a little bit it was time to come to work. OH BTW! My boss got fired. That shall be another post though. : )

Thats all for now I guess!